Sunday, December 28, 2008

Feast Day Attendance?

Dominican Brethren,

Our rule indicates that we should attend the Holy Eucharist every Sunday (which occasionally may require going to an extra service if your church doesn’t offer the Eucharist on a particular Sunday, e.g. Lessons and Carols Sunday, Morning Prayer, etc). However, the rule also implies that we should attend the Eucharist on the Major Feast days of the Church.

How have you – or haven’t you – been doing this? This is quite a challenge since many local parishes do not observe the major feast days.

Creative ideas and thoughts about observing feasts day would also be welcome!

I also want to announce that our London novice, Justin Read-Smith and his wife Liz recently welcome their daughter Katherine Grace to the world. Please pray for them!

Looking forward to your posts.

In Christ,

Brother Kevin op

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Blessed Advent (Merry Christmas, almost!)

I want to wish all of you a joyous and wonderful celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

A friend sent me this helpful link which shows a RC parish in AK which is starting to celebrate the Dominican Rite liturgy on a regular basis.

What do you think?

In Christ,
Brother Kevin op

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Plans and Prayers

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please post (or e-mail me) a little bit about your Christmas plans and any prayer requests you might have related to these or other matters in your life.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What is the Foundation for Our Preaching?

What is the Foundation for Our Preaching?

This is a significant question – especially in a Church that is debating truth claims and presuppositions – because our brethren in the Roman Church can point to the official teachings of their Church to back their preaching, what about us?

As an Order we need to be united in the essentials of the faith and be a passionate community proclaiming them, but what will we will stand on?

Looking forward to your post.