Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Plans and Prayers

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please post (or e-mail me) a little bit about your Christmas plans and any prayer requests you might have related to these or other matters in your life.


Anonymous said...

I hope that this years Christmas plans will be stress free. In addition to the normal advent plans, I will be visiting with my wife's family on Christmas eve, than heading to Saint Johns for the Festival Christmas Eucharist. This starts at 10:30 with caroling in the nave, and that carries over into the service. I love the sight of Saint Johns at night, especially during Christmas with the wreaths and ribbons and candles.

On Christmas day I pick up the girls, and keep them until school starts back. This year we will going to Disney World (us and 85000 other people) -a first for them and me. How this will be stress free I don't know.

But that is our plan.

What I ask for in prayer is a way to communicate the Advent season to my girls.

crhooker said...

I will be driving from Missouri to Pennsylvania. This will be my first Christmas with my grandchildren. Both my sons and their wives will be there as well. We will be at mom and dad's and look forward to a great week.

Prayers please for a safe journey and the presence of the Spirit that is Christmas.

BroPhil said...

Much of our time will be centered around church and activities there. Two weeks off from my 'day job' though is probably going to allow us to visit some family---weather permitting. Our prayers around this time of year are for those who travel and those who are alone as well as those who grieve; lost relationships, expectations, etc. For many, this time of year is a time of sadness and disappointment. Focusing on church, family and those who suffer is especially important now.

Anonymous said...

For us much of Christmas will be celebrated and observed within the context of parish life with Christmas Eve and Day Eucharists.

Later, near the near year, we'll go south to FL for a week to visit with my mother, and Melissa's parents.

Please pray for safe travel.

Anonymous said...

Sr. Jackie said:

I'm going to SLEEP! I'm all tired out after recitals and The Nutcracker. My husband and I are staying home. We were going to go to Texas to see his son and grandchildren, but postponed that until spring. My son, Kelly and his wife Erica live in Portland, Oregon. I usually take the train out there, but have postponed that also.

I'm very content staying in Jamestown, attending my church activities and taking time to rest.
I love Christmas Eve at my church, it is beautiful.

I will pray for all of you that are traveling. My prayer request is for my friend's husband Tim, who was just diagnosed with Alzheimers (spelled wrong))at age 57.

Anonymous said...

Please pray for my son, Dan. He is driving from Milwaukee to Louisiana. There are snowstorms and he grew up in the South. Please pray for all those on the road with him, because there are snowstorms and he grew up in the South.

I write this with only a small bit of humor and a great deal of parental love and concern.

Anonymous said...

We have church activities on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, which will be busy and fun. Family will be coming by on Christmas Eve, and my wife is due to have our new son on December 29!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your prayers! Dan arrived safely