Sunday, May 10, 2009

Feedback on Evangelism

Fellow Dominicans,
I've been asked to lead a discussion/presentation at Chapter regarding evangelism. What questions do you have, what kind of tools are you looking for, what issues do you think we need to deal with?

Please post your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

This is the buggaboo of most of the "mainline" churches. Essentially, we need to teach our congregation of religious' how to overcome their fears of rejection and/or being branded a "religious freak or nut" One of the first things that we all need to do is to understand that we are all just that: "religious nuts" as was Dominic. It takes courage and conviction of our cause to go up to someone, explain who we are, what we are about, and that we are charged with taking the gospel to others. The challenge remains how we do it, not should we do it.

Harris, OP

Scott said...

I'd like to group to discuss the video or newsletter idea when we're together to gauge interest and thoughts about it.

Scott said...

typo: I meant "I'd like the group to discuss...."

crhooker said...

As long as no one tells me I need to go knock on doors I will be fine. I could do what Dominic did at the inn, surely not as well, but feel good talking to people. Guess I would like to learn about effective tools.

BroPhil said...

Other than documentary commercial air time during the super bowl, I could use a tri-fold brochure or book mark as a handout. Something to put in people's hands and they can then go and invest themselves. Along with what Scott is talking about, why not have an eye toward television spots, (big dream) down the road with a video? The Romans do it all the time on EWTN. Along another line of thought: methods or ways to get on programs as speakers or presenters at retreats, conferences, etc. It's obvious I'm brainstorming. My immediate need would be brochures.

crhooker said...

I was quite struck this morning by the epistle reading from the Office from Romans, the 12th chapter. It seemed to me that the first 8 verses speak directly to our topic this week. I see Paul's list as important in a discussion on evangelism.
I would like to perhaps have as part of the discussion/presentation some guidance and direction in discerning the 'grace given me' so I do not 'think of myself more highly than I ought to think'(v3).

Brother Kevin of Jamestown said...

This are helpful starting parts...I think that our Order in addition to evangelism ourselves, should be trainers and equippers for teaching others in our parishes and dioceses how to do the work of evangelism...