Sunday, June 7, 2009

So What is the Trinity?

What did you hear or not hear about the Trinity on this annual Sunday observance?

As Dominicans we are to proclaim the faith, and at least classically, the Trinity was always very important.

What did you hear - what will you pass on to others?


BroPhil said...

OK. I'll go first. It is interesting that Trinity Sunday is the only Feast Day of the Church, commemorating a doctrine. Church doctrine is not a four letter word. If it were not for doctrine, formulated by the Church fathers before us, there would not be a statement of what we believe, and what it is that we do not believe. Doctrine draws a line. I have to go back at least to Athanasius and his opposition to the Arian Party at Nicaea. The Fathers had to responds to heresies, abounding everywhere. My task is not to explain the Trinity. I cannot. It is incomprehensible. But as Christians, we can claim it. We as Christians are the only ones who can stand and say “We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty.” The Father and Creator who offers us boundless love. “We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God.” God the Son is the one who came down from heaven. Through Him we have eternal life. How else could we offer hope to a grieving family and preach a funeral homily. “We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life.” The One who infuses our lives in mysterious and surprising ways. Are we ready to be surprised by the Holy Spirit? Let us claim it. To God be the Glory, Holy Trinity, Three in One.

Scott said...

The sermon I heard today echoed Bro. Phil's comments. The priest suggested that the origin of heresies often lies in efforts to explain things the human mind cannot comprehend. We proclaim our faith in the Trinity while humbly confessing also that the Trinity is something greater than our finite minds can understand.

Brother Ken said...

Sisters and Brothers,

The Trinity is like a Divine pie divided into three pieces. It is one pie, but it is three individual pieces. It is one substance (God/pie), but three individual pieces. Each piece is is a part of the whole, identical in flavor and content as the whole, yet separate in their positions to the whole, but none the less a part of the whole.

This is an explanation I've been working on for people asking about the Trinity, this is not all of the apologetics, but a portion. Tell me what you think.


Sr. Jackie said...

Sr. Jackie said:

The Trinity is a dance. With God as the creater (the choreographer), The Son the teacher (also the disciplinarian), and the Holy Spirit is the movement and the feeling one gets when dancing. When all three are put together it is a beautiful dance.