Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fasting and Prayer Requests

Brothers and Sisters,
Happy New Year! From Scott's comments I'd like for people to discuss their experience of the practice of fasting. Our rule does not require fasting, though the Prayer Book assumes fasting on some days of the Church year though this is not widely practiced.

Also, feel free to list prayer requests that you have related to the new year.

God Bless,
Brother Kevin OP


Anonymous said...

Sr. Jackie says: I try to fast one day out of the month, and it is usually a Friday. I find when I fast I feel better spiritually and physically. I am not the most disciplined person, but I find that fasting isn't hard for me. However, as I've gotten into my 60's I've noticed that sometimes I have to have a piece of toast mid-afternoon as I get light headed. Usually on my fast day I'm cleaning my house or my dance's like I'm getting all the "junk" out of my life. Jesus gave his life for me I certainly can give up food for Him. During Lenten season I fast once a week (on Fridays).

Please pray for my friend, George Jefferson, who is dying of cancer in the VA Hospital. He has chosen not to do anymore treatment and although he is a Christian man, he seems not be be at peace. Please pray for him. Thank you.

crhooker said...

I went thru a period in my life where I fasted at least monthly, usually Saturday night thru Sunday night. I did feel a spiritual connection but there were times when I felt hungry rather than spiritual. I have not fasted now in quite some time. After reading these discussions and rethinking about it I would like to reconvene the practice at least during this Lenten season and imagine I will do so on Fridays probably by skipping supper Thursday and then eating Friday after Evening Prayer.

Br Carl

Anonymous said...

Br Michael says: I have never fasted in my life, though the thought has crossed my mind from time to time. I question whether I have the willpower and discipline to do it. What a simple test (but what a test!). As with so many other new practices in my life since I became an Anglican Dominican, I see fasting "on the horizon" in my spiritual life and hope it adds as much to my spiritual life as the other spiritual practices have.


Br Michael

Anonymous said...

I went through a period were I fasted on Fridays, and sometimes on Wednesdays, esp in Lent.

I will likely return to these practices.

I also have maintained for the most part for several years fasting before receiving the Holy Eucharist on Sundays.

John Welsey advocated the practice of the early church: fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays.

God Bless,
Brother Kevin