Sunday, May 24, 2009

How do you Observe Pentecost?

Pentecost is one of the most important feasts of the Christian year - particularly, important I would argue for an Order dedicated to the work of evangelism and discipleship through preaching.

What do you do? and what does your parish do (if anything!) to celebrate Pentecost in a special way?


crhooker said...

Our rector has just completed her first year with us so we will need to wait a few more days to see if she does anything "special". I would expect so.

Last year she moved the font up front, and actually in the way of the first row of pews and the alter so people had to move around it, to remind us of the fruits of our baptism as well as the times it would be uncomfortable to acknowledge that baptism.

BroPhil said...

Not much to contribute but will share something anyway. I see a future for bi-vocational priests, especially in small congregations. It is my experience now, and frankly there are advantages. You can preach the Gospel boldly and without fear. What will they do, fire you?
I strongly believe that unless the Church persists in being the Church, it will disappear from the landscape. If we take on the ways of the world, the world can say “You have nothing to offer us. We can get what you offer from the world.” Liturgy is not satisfying if it is spoon fed. The “work of the people” is work, and those seeking spiritual formation are not satisfied with “easy entertainment.” I may be in a minority on this, but I see it as true just the same.
We have been exposed to midweek Eucharist services that were great. People found them intimate and a special time out, right in the middle of a busy week. Also, we started a spiritual formation group, meeting in homes on a rotation basis that turned into a home church type gathering (also midweek). The people that participate are faithful and loyal to the group and arrange schedules to be there.
I will be interested to see what others have to contribute to the other parts of the question. Bro Phil