Sunday, November 30, 2008

Advent Begins

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today begins the season of Advent – that season of the Christian year dedicated to preparing for the celebration of Christ’s birth as a baby and for preparing for His final coming as King of kings and Lord of Lords.

How are you personally (as a family?), and how are your congregations observing this season.

I am fond of saying that Advent is one of the most counter-cultural observances that we North American Christians can be engaged in – in other words it ain’t easy with Christmas shopping and insanity starting even before Thanksgiving now.

Looking forward to your posts.

In Christ and dominic,
Brother Kevin+


Anonymous said...

Sr. Jackie said....

I made an advent wreath for my home and I started today with readings from two advent books I ordered from Forward. I also ordered extras for my friends. I am also participating in our church services as an acolyte.

Because of my teaching dance I have been playing holiday music since October!!! I'm all Jingle Bell-ed and Frosty-ed out. As soon as I'm through with these shows I look forward to listening to Christmas hymns and taking time to rest and meditate on this glorious occasion.

For the last few years I don't do any extreme shopping, just little thoughtful and practical things for my family. The commercial part of this festive season is way out of control and I try to stress to my little students not to forget the real reason for the season. We also don't decorate our tree until the 22nd. That's how we did it when I was growing up and I've tried to follow that tradition.

Have a blessed Advent Season.

crhooker said...

I am going to try to really focus on Advent this year with the purpose of fully entering the new church year. I intend to study the collects of the season and glean from them a focus. I also would like to use advent as a time to prepare for Lent. My Lenten disciplines have always seemed to be a bit lacking, and this year I would like to change that.

Bro. George West said...

We always begin our Advent with the wreath-making program and service at St. John's. This Sunday night, when we returned home from that service, high wind knocked our power out for a few hours, and we went to bed by candlelight. We all found that to be a particularly appropriate beginning to Advent.

Advent to me is a shorter and sharper penitential period than Lent. To me, Lent is going through all of your drawers, sorting out old or superflous clothing, and giving them away. Advent for me is packing for a sudden and unexpected journey-- "Where am I going, and what do I need for trip?"

With that in mind, we'll be looking closely at our family's prayer and worship life, renewing what has become shopworn, reinstating what we have allowed to fall by the wayside, and enjoying our family time with God. As we had to do with the blackout, we will take out our candles, dust them off, and live by their light for a while.

Anonymous said...

In Jamestown I am teaching the rosary to folks interested before our Advent mid-week service. In general, I'm seeing this Advent as a time to tone up a bit spiritually, and work on some holiness issues, both as an individual and in my marriage.

I think the fact that every year now someone gets trampled to death shopping speaks to how much we've allowed the god of consumerism to reign: Satan is very clever.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

I've missed you! My wife and I have a new son due on or about December 29. I hope this blessing will help me grow in my faith this Advent season.

BroPhil said...

Advent is a time of preparation, and as one of you said, house cleaning. Anticipation and course adjustment I suppose. For me this year it seems particularly important: the past has been preparation for what lies ahead. Something new and very exciting is coming. Thanks be to God.