Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What Are You ThankFul For

Please share some thanksgiving: both personal and related to your ministries


Anonymous said...

I must express gratitude that God has seen fit to send me at least a few supporters for a cause and project that I hold dear. On January 31, we will hold a Eucharistic Congress and several of the other clergy have added their support to the work. Trinity Parish in Natchitoches, LA will host the event.

Many of you know that the Sacramental center as part of our thinking and acting is vitial in my thinking to our whole faith, and finding others who are willing to focus there, at least for a short time, is encouraging.

It seems that all I had to do was put my thoughts together and invite participation.

Anonymous said...

I am extremely thankful for the Anglican Order of Preachers, it's mission and the sisters and brothers that have become part of my family. I thank God for His gifts and the lessons He has taught a sinful man.

Anonymous said...

Br. Rick says,

I am thankful for the order of course. It is, for me, an island of sanity in a church that seems to have gone off its rails.

As I reflect on this, though, I realize that I am thankful for the turmoil and disorder in the Episcopal Church. That very turmoil and disorder forced me into deeper faith, and led me to study of Scripture, and to prayer. Eventually I came to realize that much of what I previously believed was rooted in my own comfort and personally-wrought notions of social justice rather than submission to my Lord.

In a real way, I owe my membership in this order to Bp. Gene Robinson. As I followed the news accounts of the 2003 general convention, I was deeply troubled by the determination of his supporters to get their way at whatever cost to the unity of the church. It seemed so uncharitable. But that became the beginning of a serious faith journey. I picked up my bible and started looking for answers. I found such a treasure! Proof of the truth of Romans 8:28, if you will.

I am thankful for my wife, and for my sister Lara and her family, and for the departed souls of the family of my childhood-- my father Don, my mother Marg, and my sister Linda, all precious memories.

I am thankful for my home, my job, my education, and all of you. I am thankful for the opportunity to proclaim the stupendous good news that God saw fit to make himself into a man and come to earth on a daring rescue mission. I am thankful to God that he did just that. I am thankful to Jesus that he gave his life for me. I am thankful to the Holy Spirit for the work he does in my life, resistive to it though I often am.

Blessings to all this holiday!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my family, esp my wife and all that she endures and has put up in sharing in my priestly calling by leaving her family roots and living in different places across the country.

I am also thankful for the Order which at times has been the only thing that kept me going and hopeful about ministry.

I am also thankful for the diocese of North Dakota.

Anonymous said...

Updating you all on my earlier post... Although several of the clergy have expressed their support, my bishop has effectively cancelled the event for lack of a committee oversight and extended planning sessions.

I am still thankful for the realization that there is energy out there if one can raise a banner to our heritage and devotion.

Anonymous said...

Sister Jackie said:

I am very thankful for the Dominican Order and all my new brothers and sisters.

I am especially thankful that God gave me the talent to dance and to teach it and be able to pass on something decent and nice to children.

Blessings to all of you this Thanksgiving Day!

crhooker said...

I apologize for the late post. I am thankful to have had the chance to spend the holiday with my son and his wife in San Antonio. Being so far removed geographically from family makes spending holidays together difficult. I am also thankful that we will all spend Christmas together, my first with my young grandchildren.

I too am thankful for the order and the structure and direction it is providing in my journey.